Copied from another Thread of The Hub... Reproduced here.



Tyagaraja proceeded from Kovvur to Tirupati. As the party was leaving, Sundaresa Mudaliar thrust a bag of gold coins into the palanquin in which Tyagaraja was to travel. The disciples were requested not to inform Tyagaraja about the money. En route at Nakalapuram, dacoits began stoning the convoy, terrifying the disciples but not Tyagaraja who stated that since they had no money they need fear nothing.

The penitent disciples then confessed to the Guru about the presence of the cash whereupon Tyagaraja felt that the money ought to be given to the robbers at once. At this, one of Tyagaraja’s disciples mentioned that Mudaliar had been emphatic that the money was meant for Rama’s worship and so they did not have the right to dispose off the cash. Tyagaraja resolved the problem in his usual forthright fashion by stating that if it was Rama’s money He ought to protect it Himself. For his part, he sang the kriti mundu vENUka in darbAr and the stoning stopped. The dacoits rushed to Tyagaraja and fell at his feet and requested him to enable them to have a repeat vision of the two handsome warriors who had appeared and guarded the convoy when he began his song. Tyagaraja realised that his song had ironically enabled the bandits to have a darshan of his Lord, while he had himself not had the pleasure.