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Thread: Illayaraja discussion on an American Forum

  1. #31
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    ravi k.s. ravichandran (@ 128.*) on: Sun Dec 5 17:39:17 EST

    Why all this hoopla about who is greater or which music is superior? No music greater than the other..If one likes a particular music or composer it is his greatest..not for everyone..Let people judge in their own interests and tastes and choose..Surely one may be anxious that many in the world are missing out some of the beautiful compositions of IR, but so be it..IR is my most favorite, but that does not give me qualifications to start comparing the great musicians..One would actually end up spoiling the name of IR or someother composer. One can compare the musical styles and skills but has to be careful not to imply that someone is superior to someone else...

    Having said that, I think one can make great contribution to the forum like this if one expresses why he likes a particular form of music by lot of introsepction..What makes a particular form of music click to someone...the musical patterns..complexity of compositions..styles..romantic, inspirational, upbeat, devotional, spiritual, gloomy, despair etc.

    I think one may have hard time justifying entirely that even Mozart is the greatest composer of WCM if you listen to all his predecessors like Hayden, Handel, Vivaldi, Rossini, Scarletti, Bach, Telemann etc. Mozart is considered the most prolific composer, but not the greatest..(I guess it depends on what is the meaning of "greatest"--most songs composed? yougest composer? most diverse compositions? longest living in history? However, Mozart is clearly prodigious, because of composing many at the youngest age and writing concertos, quartets and quintets, symphonies and operas pretty much with all kinds of insruments. So there is a distint sytle, melody and perkiness in Mozart that is clearly distinct from many composers. But many Baroque composers have created much more wonderful pieces of music.. Likewise, if you listen to Telemann, the 16th century composer, he is appropriately called the king of Baroque (as much as Bach may be thought of king of baroque, but this does much disservice to Bach and Vivaldi) beacuse of his extensive use of violin, oboe, horn and trumpets expressing the musical temperaments of classical era in mumerous concertos. Listening to Telemann's horn and trumpet concertos one could say he is the prolific composer using these instruments in that era. In US, classical stations are pleasantly rediscovering this composer (You are likely to listen to Telemann in seattle's classical radio station, King FM--also broadcast in classical radio stations which are known to repeat the ubiquitous Mozart, Bach, Vivaldi etc.

    BTW, if you listen to some of the Mozart symphonies, there is heavy influence of Hayden's symphonic style. People say Hayden is the King of Symphonies, because he composed well over 100 symphonies..and many other composers tended to imitate his style including Mozart. There may be some truth to this..listening to Hayden may make you feel indeed that he is the King os symphonies. This is probabably true, because he is said to have the most in numbers in terms of symphonies and have made a fortune licensing his music to be played all over Europe during his time. BTW, Mozart had reportedly called Hayden the King of Symphonies..and hence the adage continues to this day..

    There are pieces of Dresden Concerti by Johann Heinichen that I think may blow even Mozart away in terms of muscical ingenuity and creativity..but just a few concertos..Many in WCM have not even heard of Heinichen..

    Now, IR is perhaps the most prolific and most diverse composer, as much as MSV, that it is a blessing that has happened to TFM. Any prolific composer is bound to leave some crap, beacuse of experimentation and lack of time for a leisurely composition. There are numerous pieces of WCM that one would not even like to listen to, the second time.

    I get as much fun listening to IR (selectively) as I listen to Telemann, Mozart, Bach etc. That does not mean that IR or others the greatest. I think the most humble thing one can state is that it is amazing that how IR can compose such beautifull songs (I am ignoring is crappy songs) with as much prolificity as some of the WCM composers and our own MSV. There is no need to agree or disagree with anyone else whether he is superior or inferior to anyone...Such things are excercises in futility and mars some productive discussions that people may want to share..

    Let me not forget.. it is also a blessing that ARR has arrived..He is as much talented as MSV, IR..I do not think that there is any doubt.

    Just my few cents..

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    purv (@ 137.*) on: Sun Dec 5 20:10:14 EST 2004

    Really good insight, Mr. Ravichandran. Wish I had your depth of insight.

  4. #33
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    Jaiganesh (@ 203.*) on: Sun Dec 5 21:12:46 EST 2004

    HI All!
    Ravi has hit the nail on its head with his posting. I hope that people who always put down either IR or ARR, would think atleast twice before doing so after his(ravi's) posting. Coming back to the original point, IR in WCM is as good as IR in CCM(Carnatic Classical Music). He has composed original krithis and has also invented a new Raga called "panchamukhi". If I am correct, Dr Bala Murali Krishna has created a few ragas, and so has Shri Maharajapuram Santhanam and in hndustani Shri Amjad Ali Khan (Raaga name is Rajiv after the slain PM). That too is no ordinary achievment. wonder why no IR fan is talking about that with the same awe that they award to IR's Symphonies and Oratarios. Hoping that one day ARR would release himself of even the A.L. Webers and Shekar Kapurs and move on to pure classical music(of any form). When IR says that he was born to do TiO, I feel happy that he still feels that he has to do something wholeheartedly and there are people supporting him. Same way I hope ARR too gets the same kind of opportunities.


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    manisha (@ 202.*) on: Tue Dec 7 03:53:02 EST 2004

    HI friends if you wanna
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  6. #35
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    ravi ks ravichandarn (@ 128.*) on: Sat Dec 11 18:33:47 EST 2

    Purv, Jaiganesh, Thanks for your kind acknowledgement.

    I would recommend TFM fans, particularly IR fans to listen to composers of Baroque music..IMHO, I think it would be a long long time before music in countries like India reach such level of musical enlightenment provided by Baroque compositions.

  7. #36
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    Ram k (@ 67.8*) on: Sat Dec 11 19:17:46 EST 2004

    Cudn't help admiring your posting and its insight Ravi. Probably to have this kind of an insight it needs that the music and its taste shud've grown in you. All fans of IR would surely appreciate and we all would wish that IR would one day try to equal the feat of those geniuses before him.

  8. #37
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    Prashanth (@ 131.*) on: Tue Dec 14 08:52:15 EST 2004

    Thanks Ram (@ for providing this link.
    I am extremely happy to see our dearest IR discussed in John Williams Fan Network..!!

  9. #38
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    MusicLover (@ 216.*) on: Mon Dec 20 08:20:15 EST 2004

    *hahaha...good joke.....our person(who started this topic there) is talking abt. 750 movies but how many can he disply for arguement.....not even 10-12.......*

    That's still far better than still struggling to do 1 movie year after year and still sounding familiar to everything in this world.

  10. #39
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    zz (@ 203.*) on: Tue Dec 21 06:42:53 EST 2004

    ML...but that man sells...that's the point.
    <a name="last"></a>

  11. #40
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    "I am extremely happy to see our dearest IR discussed in John Williams Fan Network..!!"

    Why oh why do you need the approval of the John Williams network? What do they know about our music? What will their mere mentioning of IR give us, or do for us? Would you be as excited if a Pakistani forum discussed IR? Or Bangladeshi? Is this all about social climbing?

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