I too would like to hear. I remember a bit from 40s and 50's but very little from 60s and 70s. By that time, I was bitten by the mathematics bug and mainly remember mathematics books I stidied or the mathematicians I met and the papers I wrote. I vaguely remember a speech by Annadurai (62-64, Madras), D.P.Roychowdary's sculpture near the Marina beach, Kennedy's death, agitations against the imposition of Hindi mainly from Tamilnadu etc but the rest until 90's is hazy. The 40s and 50s are more vivid; Independence and the various processions and songs, seeing Nehru and JP in Andgra. people riding on train tops to attend a speech by Nehru in Guntur, start of the friction between USA and India, John Foster Dulles ("If you are not with us, you are against us"), five year plans, Bhakra Nangal, Gandhi's death, visiting Madras around 1950 and watching wrestling matches (Dara singh, King Kong,..), book shops in Mount Road, Australian cricket team with Benaud, Harvey .. playing in Madras, etc. I hope some younger people will write about 60s and 70s.